Friday, January 25, 2013

Blog Post #13: MIDTERM Portfolio

Rule of Third
I like how this is a  rule of third , how I got the women and her dog in aside and in the other the tree, and that your eyes goes directly to the frame. I could of zoom in bit more to her. This is the best rule third I had took. 
shutter speed
I like how I got perfectly good the moment  of him jumping and that it came out clean not blurry. I could'n't done much about the sun in the back I was trying to find a many ways but the sun was a verywhere. 
fill in the frame
I choose this one as fill in the frame is dirrectly focussing on the ceramics wheel . I could of zoom out  because is hard to know what the object is. Also in the center is brigh. 
I chose this framing because it represent more what framing is then my  other pictures. This picture could  of came better if it was more zooming in to what I was trying to focause on. 
What I like about this one is that the picture is clean and clear . What I could of done better was to be careful with the light because his face is really bright. The reason I chose this one and not the other ones is because the others are not really crisp. 
I choose this one because I like the pattern and  is crisp not blurry ,  and it represents large depth of field. I like how it is I don'yt think I got to fix anything.  
So I choose this one out the rest of the alphabet because I like how the L came out,  for this one I could of  been more careful with the sun. The background is bright and then is dark . I could of tooken this picture in place where it wasn't to bright or to dark. 
So I choose this picture as the best one out of the others is because I like that how I got the background blurred and he came out clear. What I could of done better was to zoom more into him his really far away.  
Depth of field
With the help of my teacher I got this great shallow depth of field. I was really happy how I  got the sombrero to focause and the background blurry ( shallow). What I also like is the color it has many colors as the others it was white and is not blurry the back. I think I did a pretty great job would not change anything. 
I like this one because I got lines and I also like it because the background also has lines and what I like it is that each lines are different so thats why I like this one then the rest. It has many lines focause on not only one thing. I could of been more careful with the lighting in thebackground.

I like this picture that day we were working on rule of thirds I believe and I took this picture trying to get the trash. But I don't know I just like this picture maybe is the green is bright nice I just don't know why, but yea this got to be the picture I like the most of. Picture that are randomly taken is the ones that comes out being good.

  • What has been the biggest challenge for you in this class? Have you been able to overcome it? Is there something that Mr. Pedersen can do to help you with this?I would have to say the biggest challenge was to do some adjustments to the pictures is hard for me. Also when and how to change the exposure and the ISO and fstops.I still have'nt overcome it but yea im looking forward the second semester to do better if that. The other challenge has to be when exactly to click the shutter speed. 
  • What your biggest success in this class? Why does this stand out to you. Will this help you in the second semester? (If so, how? If not, why?) The biggest success of this semester was when I had to do the patterns and the ABC's. I didn't had any problems as like the other projects of takeing picture or even founding it. Also having some coffident in your self it helps out. Asking for help it really helps because then your pictures don't come blurry or dark or to bright it just a perfect picture. 
  • What are you most interested in learning next? Why? Im interested in learning more about trying to get a good focause on the picture when is dark. 
  • Describe one thing that Mr. Pedersen can do to improve your experience in this class. When to use esposures in the correct time and how to get the shutter speed. 
  • Describe one thing that YOU can do to improve your experience in this class. Paying more attention and asking for help and looking at my other pictures and see what I could start working more ans not doing the same error as the others. 

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