Friday, January 18, 2013

Blog Post #12: DOF Photo Corrected

Before  So for this photo their wasn't much to be adjust like as you see the before picture is not crisp. So what I was doing I was playing around with the levels, brightness the colors with everything. But in the end I noticed that their wasen't much to be fix it was more of the brightness.  I think I could of done something different I just dont see it, but yeah I think overall it looks a little better than the before picture. I felt good making this adjustments. 
For this photo what I did was lowering the light because the before picture is dark. For this picture I dont think I would change anything. I feel okay while I was making the adjustments.
So this picture is similar to the bottom picture with the yellowish problem  I had  a lot of troubles with adjusting it I was trying to make it seem like the bottom picture but it was just not getting their. So I was clicking pretty much everything. In the end I got it. But I was having troubles with the downloading it to the blogger. So thats why I dont have the after. When I get to make changes to picture is really hard for me to make the adjustments because when Im trying to change it for me it looks okay, but then when I show it to my partner see tells me to fix it more but then I don't know how. But overall is an okay. 
While I was trying to take this picture I had troubles because my  pictures were coming out yellowish. So for this one yeah it needed more adjustments I just didn't knew how to fix it, so I call my teacher and he pretty much did the adjustments. What I could off done now that I see the after  I could off play with it to make it not look dark. So for this one  I didnt really did much nut while I was watching him fix it. It challenging for me.

What is shallow depth of field vs. large depth of field? * shallow depth of field is more focasing in the one thing and the background is blurred. Large depth of field is everything is in focal nothing is shallow.
How you decide when to use TV mode vs. AV mode?* If you trying to take depth of field picture then you use AV is to control it. 
The hardest part of this assignment was... (Be specific and detailed) To make the adjustments that was big challenge to me, because im not really good with all that. Is the way to really look deep  in the picture of where the mistake can be at. The reason is hard for me is that when I came a small adjustment Im thinking is nice but is not it has more to adjust and I just dont see. Also is how to get to work with the shutter speed of knowing when to make the full click. 

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