Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Blog Post #17: Float

I just asked Phoung to jump pretty much I made him jump like about 6 times just to get different jumping poses. Without having any inspiration he made it seem like if he was happy,scared like a wow emotion probably. I didn't had any technical challenge or with him for this picture it went smooth.   

I wanted him to seem it like he was having fun and to make it seem easy. My challenge with my model was the timeing when I was about to shoot he didn't jump or the opposite he jump to quick. No technicals challenge.

I didn't had any story in mind I just had her laying in the chair and I just took pictures. My technical challenge was the ISO I change it many times to get the picture right , it came out to dark to bright. When I was outside the Q house without doing anything to the camera the sun was bothering me. With my model I didn't had any problem she was really calm and helping me out. Another challenge that I had was when I was photoshoping had troubles with her hair if I brushed it it look really bad and if I leaved like that you can see something is wrong just dosen't look nice. But I just leaved it like that because even when I zoom in I could it had it perfect.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Blog Post #16: Poses

(front of the office)I have to say this is the picture I like the most , the background  is clean and is bright . I just like it when I see the rest of the picture this is the one I go back and observed. I also like that I got full body. There isnt that much distraction in the background other than my teacher. I didnt really had any problem taking this picture I just took it and it came out really nice I did took like 2 more but the other ones just came half body. I think it dosent need improvement.

(by the student store) My biggest problem with taking this picture was Phuong he move he couldnt stay still and the sun I have to say as you can see is dark and really bright. I have to say from the other picture of wildcard this came out a little bit better I tried to photoshop but I had trouble with wanting to change the brightness and affecting the parts it look good. I could of done as the photographer I could of play with the ISO and the f/stop and with the gold thing that we use to make the person look brighter.

(infront of the office) the problems I had while trying to take the picture it was the shade and the shadow of the tree I wanted to move but my partner/model wanted to take the picture there. Is really bright in the top left corner. I could of been careful with that, next i will. The reason I choose this one and the other is that the other ones came out dark if it wasnt the background is his face and the shadow.  

(student store) The problem with this one is that I wasnt careful the window shadow I should of move him to the other side, I didnt noticed but now that im observing the picture carefully my eyes goes directly to the windows more than him. I should of not had that happpen. But the reason I choose this picture is that the lighting was way better than the others. 

(front of the counseling) So  for this picture Nicol was behind the brenches this is a wildcard , I did not got full body but what I love about this picture is just neat blurry yes but is just is not to bright or to dark I think it was perfect. For this one I would not fix anything I would have to say I'll leave it like that. 
(By the student store) So what I like about this one is that I got full body and clear no blurry picture, is dark but when I tried to fix it with photoshop it was bright so I just leaved it like that. I could of choose another place because of the shadow of the tree and the people in the back.
(In front of the counceling) So this picture  was just the best of the others, the others came blurry dark it wasnt the best shoots. Im nnot to crazy with this oicture but it was a little better than the other one. For  this kind of shooting I need to improve more. 

(conceling office) I got full body nice sun no distraction in the back just her , also got the action clearly. Her face didnt came out dark cause in the other her face came out dark and the rest of the picture came good. But I think I did good. 

This one I like it the most out of the wall  picture  what I could of done was photoshop just a bit in  near her face because the whole picture is dark and thats the only one that is bright.

1.) The challenge one I would have t say is working with the sun and the shadows is just hard cause in many places I tried to take a picture of my models it always has to be the shadows or one part of the picture comes dark or to bright is just that little things that makes me frustrated.

2.) Since the first day of school I did it had any clue of working with the camera and I did not knew photography had many things to work with. The biggest issue and is still thier is my hands shaking I just can keep my hands straight. Since we started working with photoshop it was a big challenge but now I kinda get it once in a while I struggle and I look back to the tips so yeah.

3.) I would ike to take picture somewhere else than school. Every time we go out to take picture we always take it in the same place everything looks the same. So a fild trip is what I would like befoe school is over. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Blog Post #15: Vermeer

1.) I shoot pictures of Jocelyn, when the teacher anonounced that we were gonna work with portraits I was nervoues cause im not good with taking pictures but really happy to know how this was going to come out. Jocelyn wasent a big challenge she was a really good model. She stay still she really work it out with me.
2.) Their was many of challenges not with the model it was mostly about the lighting, the first day the day was perfect good sun and everything the second day didnt had many troubles.    
1.) I also shoot Michael, Michael was also a great model I had some problem with his hair is just keep on moving with the air. Also his white shirt was really helpful for me beacuse when I try to photoshop it the shirt was wash out, now I know when I do portraits photo I should have the model wear dark color and not much lighter colors. 
2.) But for Michael it was a big challenge the first day as like Jocelyn it was working really good but then the second day the camera was really dark and then my teacher help me out of changing the ISO, but with Michael the sun was horrible it keep on coming in and out and I couldnt really get the blur in the background.    I tried to fix as possible as I can to make it look better.

3.) To be a photographer and a model is a challenge the main job of a photographer is to make sure the model have a soft and real laugh or what ever you trying to get the model to do. Also having imaginazien on how you want the model to come out. Like me it was hard to have the camera straight but my hands where shaking and having problem with the light and forgeting those small steps to make the picture better. An for a model it could also be really hard I was the worst model I couln't stop laughing or moving and just could it keep the calm and focaus. But in the end of the day you learn a lot of what you should do and shouln't do for the next project. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Blog Post #14: PhotoAnalysis Portraits

In this picture as you can see is a women she's a hippi. Probably she is in a forest or a park, she seems really
happy loveing the world and enjoying natural. Is a spin photograph  in the background you can see the grass but is not a bright green is really light green. In the back their's about millions of trees, but those trees don't have many leaves. When I first saw this picture I taught there were birds, but then I was observing carefully and I noticed that they were'nt birds. Is leaves and I think the lady just threw them up. It seems like a falll season. What is going trough her head?

In this photo you see two young womens that are in a campaign frighting for the dream act. The one in the left shes is more out going, screaming, laughing, their's a lot of emotions in her. As for the other women in the right she seems like not a wild loud person. She seems like calm and probably tired. There plenty of colors but mostly black and white. It seems like they are at a school (college, university) because of the tables and theirs like 2 floors. They caring a flag with them and it has the colors of the U.S.A flag colors. With big letters saying I support the dream act . They just womens who have a dream and they going for it.  

So for this photograph is a tatto women and she seems angry or like something that she thinking or smelling. She has that nasty face fushi face, they mixed bright beautiful colors yellow and red with black color for her. She seems like in her 45's and up to 50's. Who ever tatoo this picture and choosed this picture they must love her because shenhas a really strong face. While I was observing this photo I was asking myself What is that women thinking?   

As you can see this is a latin women who seems that  she puts effort and  derication to her job.  Also it seems that she works in a taco shop, in the background you can see a man which in the picture he came out blurry. It also seems like if they giving her an order. Their is a frig behind her the frig has big words saying pepsi and they have some tasty and delicious drinnks pepsi, sprit, juice. She is wearing a coat and a shirt which she uses to work, she seems like in her 40's and close to her 50's. I also think that she is choping food. Theirs a lot of bright colors starting with frig is a really bright blue their is a lot of light.

This photo is about a ballerina it seems like they have a  antiqe dance or it was in the old days, it seems like the dance was over and she was tired and shes giving the last look at the stage. In the background is fogy and is really dark but she is bright. I like the colors they use for this portrait yellow could be bright but it also could be darkness. She seems really a thinker women. It seems like in the floor they are ballerina shoes. She is in the floor by herself just her.  


Friday, January 25, 2013

Blog Post #13: MIDTERM Portfolio

Rule of Third
I like how this is a  rule of third , how I got the women and her dog in aside and in the other the tree, and that your eyes goes directly to the frame. I could of zoom in bit more to her. This is the best rule third I had took. 
shutter speed
I like how I got perfectly good the moment  of him jumping and that it came out clean not blurry. I could'n't done much about the sun in the back I was trying to find a many ways but the sun was a verywhere. 
fill in the frame
I choose this one as fill in the frame is dirrectly focussing on the ceramics wheel . I could of zoom out  because is hard to know what the object is. Also in the center is brigh. 
I chose this framing because it represent more what framing is then my  other pictures. This picture could  of came better if it was more zooming in to what I was trying to focause on. 
What I like about this one is that the picture is clean and clear . What I could of done better was to be careful with the light because his face is really bright. The reason I chose this one and not the other ones is because the others are not really crisp. 
I choose this one because I like the pattern and  is crisp not blurry ,  and it represents large depth of field. I like how it is I don'yt think I got to fix anything.  
So I choose this one out the rest of the alphabet because I like how the L came out,  for this one I could of  been more careful with the sun. The background is bright and then is dark . I could of tooken this picture in place where it wasn't to bright or to dark. 
So I choose this picture as the best one out of the others is because I like that how I got the background blurred and he came out clear. What I could of done better was to zoom more into him his really far away.  
Depth of field
With the help of my teacher I got this great shallow depth of field. I was really happy how I  got the sombrero to focause and the background blurry ( shallow). What I also like is the color it has many colors as the others it was white and is not blurry the back. I think I did a pretty great job would not change anything. 
I like this one because I got lines and I also like it because the background also has lines and what I like it is that each lines are different so thats why I like this one then the rest. It has many lines focause on not only one thing. I could of been more careful with the lighting in thebackground.

I like this picture that day we were working on rule of thirds I believe and I took this picture trying to get the trash. But I don't know I just like this picture maybe is the green is bright nice I just don't know why, but yea this got to be the picture I like the most of. Picture that are randomly taken is the ones that comes out being good.

  • What has been the biggest challenge for you in this class? Have you been able to overcome it? Is there something that Mr. Pedersen can do to help you with this?I would have to say the biggest challenge was to do some adjustments to the pictures is hard for me. Also when and how to change the exposure and the ISO and fstops.I still have'nt overcome it but yea im looking forward the second semester to do better if that. The other challenge has to be when exactly to click the shutter speed. 
  • What your biggest success in this class? Why does this stand out to you. Will this help you in the second semester? (If so, how? If not, why?) The biggest success of this semester was when I had to do the patterns and the ABC's. I didn't had any problems as like the other projects of takeing picture or even founding it. Also having some coffident in your self it helps out. Asking for help it really helps because then your pictures don't come blurry or dark or to bright it just a perfect picture. 
  • What are you most interested in learning next? Why? Im interested in learning more about trying to get a good focause on the picture when is dark. 
  • Describe one thing that Mr. Pedersen can do to improve your experience in this class. When to use esposures in the correct time and how to get the shutter speed. 
  • Describe one thing that YOU can do to improve your experience in this class. Paying more attention and asking for help and looking at my other pictures and see what I could start working more ans not doing the same error as the others. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Blog Post #12: DOF Photo Corrected

Before  So for this photo their wasn't much to be adjust like as you see the before picture is not crisp. So what I was doing I was playing around with the levels, brightness the colors with everything. But in the end I noticed that their wasen't much to be fix it was more of the brightness.  I think I could of done something different I just dont see it, but yeah I think overall it looks a little better than the before picture. I felt good making this adjustments. 
For this photo what I did was lowering the light because the before picture is dark. For this picture I dont think I would change anything. I feel okay while I was making the adjustments.
So this picture is similar to the bottom picture with the yellowish problem  I had  a lot of troubles with adjusting it I was trying to make it seem like the bottom picture but it was just not getting their. So I was clicking pretty much everything. In the end I got it. But I was having troubles with the downloading it to the blogger. So thats why I dont have the after. When I get to make changes to picture is really hard for me to make the adjustments because when Im trying to change it for me it looks okay, but then when I show it to my partner see tells me to fix it more but then I don't know how. But overall is an okay. 
While I was trying to take this picture I had troubles because my  pictures were coming out yellowish. So for this one yeah it needed more adjustments I just didn't knew how to fix it, so I call my teacher and he pretty much did the adjustments. What I could off done now that I see the after  I could off play with it to make it not look dark. So for this one  I didnt really did much nut while I was watching him fix it. It challenging for me.

What is shallow depth of field vs. large depth of field? * shallow depth of field is more focasing in the one thing and the background is blurred. Large depth of field is everything is in focal nothing is shallow.
How you decide when to use TV mode vs. AV mode?* If you trying to take depth of field picture then you use AV is to control it. 
The hardest part of this assignment was... (Be specific and detailed) To make the adjustments that was big challenge to me, because im not really good with all that. Is the way to really look deep  in the picture of where the mistake can be at. The reason is hard for me is that when I came a small adjustment Im thinking is nice but is not it has more to adjust and I just dont see. Also is how to get to work with the shutter speed of knowing when to make the full click. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Blog Post #11: Depth of Field

The focal is the pumpkin  is really sharp photo it demonstrate perfectly large of depth of field . The photographer purpose is get all those pumpkins even if they are on top of each other and far away. 
Focal of this photo is the row of food . I think  why this photo is large depth  is sharp  is clear and clean . The  photographer purpose was to capture the food and the things around it. 
The focal of this picture is the boats and to capture the far ones . This picture it really does demonstrate the large depth and not only the boat also as the the sand and water. 
This photo is a shallow and as you can see the camera focal was into the big rock. I think the reason this photo is shallow and not large is because maybe the photographer was trying to get the viewer see the rock and the reason why the rock is the center. I think it was a good idea to make it as a shallow because the trees move a lot and it would take more time to get a perfect sharp tree. Than it would to a shallow. 
The focal point of this this photo is the flower  and around it is surround it by many more , I think the reason  of being shallow is just to focus on one thing and that is the flower.  It demonstrate shallow because that's how the picture looks. 
If this would of been a picture I would of took I will  say  the point of taking this picture  as a shallow  is to get the viewer eyes in the front of the 2 cupcakes and to much what is around it. This photo focal is the cupcake.