(front of the office)I have to say this is the picture I like the most , the background is clean and is bright . I just like it when I see the rest of the picture this is the one I go back and observed. I also like that I got full body. There isnt that much distraction in the background other than my teacher. I didnt really had any problem taking this picture I just took it and it came out really nice I did took like 2 more but the other ones just came half body. I think it dosent need improvement. |
(by the student store) My biggest problem with taking this picture was Phuong he move he couldnt stay still and the sun I have to say as you can see is dark and really bright. I have to say from the other picture of wildcard this came out a little bit better I tried to photoshop but I had trouble with wanting to change the brightness and affecting the parts it look good. I could of done as the photographer I could of play with the ISO and the f/stop and with the gold thing that we use to make the person look brighter. |
(infront of the office) the problems I had while trying to take the picture it was the shade and the shadow of the tree I wanted to move but my partner/model wanted to take the picture there. Is really bright in the top left corner. I could of been careful with that, next i will. The reason I choose this one and the other is that the other ones came out dark if it wasnt the background is his face and the shadow. |
(student store) The problem with this one is that I wasnt careful the window shadow I should of move him to the other side, I didnt noticed but now that im observing the picture carefully my eyes goes directly to the windows more than him. I should of not had that happpen. But the reason I choose this picture is that the lighting was way better than the others. |
(front of the counseling) So for this picture Nicol was behind the brenches this is a wildcard , I did not got full body but what I love about this picture is just neat blurry yes but is just is not to bright or to dark I think it was perfect. For this one I would not fix anything I would have to say I'll leave it like that. |
(By the student store) So what I like about this one is that I got full body and clear no blurry picture, is dark but when I tried to fix it with photoshop it was bright so I just leaved it like that. I could of choose another place because of the shadow of the tree and the people in the back.
(In front of the counceling) So this picture was just the best of the others, the others came blurry dark it wasnt the best shoots. Im nnot to crazy with this oicture but it was a little better than the other one. For this kind of shooting I need to improve more. |
(conceling office) I got full body nice sun no distraction in the back just her , also got the action clearly. Her face didnt came out dark cause in the other her face came out dark and the rest of the picture came good. But I think I did good. |
This one I like it the most out of the wall picture what I could of done was photoshop just a bit in near her face because the whole picture is dark and thats the only one that is bright.
1.) The challenge one I would have t say is working with the sun and the shadows is just hard cause in many places I tried to take a picture of my models it always has to be the shadows or one part of the picture comes dark or to bright is just that little things that makes me frustrated.
2.) Since the first day of school I did it had any clue of working with the camera and I did not knew photography had many things to work with. The biggest issue and is still thier is my hands shaking I just can keep my hands straight. Since we started working with photoshop it was a big challenge but now I kinda get it once in a while I struggle and I look back to the tips so yeah.
3.) I would ike to take picture somewhere else than school. Every time we go out to take picture we always take it in the same place everything looks the same. So a fild trip is what I would like befoe school is over. |