As you see is a roller coaster and the reason I choose this picture cause of the bright colors and how the water is splashing. It keeps me thinking and wondering where that roller coaster is going to. What it make me choose this picture is how the photographer focus on the way the ride was going into the hole and that nothing looks fuzzy.
In this picture you see a frog that is different from the others frogs. I have never seen a frog like this before, that has blue skin and black spots. What I saw on this amazing picture was the colors that both the background and the frog has. What I observed is that the photographer was observing more the frog than the background, the background he made it seems fuzzy for the person that is observing it could look more into the frog. I think the reason that the photographer took it is the way the frog position is ,not moving just standing still.
This picture what I like about it is the shadow of the person in the water and how everything has color except the person and how everything is just flowing. It seems like is a moment of quite and the only the sound are the waves. I'm really liking the colors that one part is light and in the other part is really dark. There isn't enough sun (light)if there would of then the picture would of look better.
I choose this picture because is different from the others I have chosen, what I like about this one is the whole culture it has. Also the bright colors.It just made me stared and observed, what I observed the most was all the accessory they carried with them and clothing all those bright colors and the view of the water,also the lights of the building. What I like about the photographer is how we used soft light and darkness. How we focused on the person only and the building.
What I like about this picture is how the photographer made it seems like the picture was originally taken at the beach. Until I observed it carefully and I noticed that the picture was taken at a studio.If it wasn't for the cable and the black thing I would of still think it was taken at the beach. I like how the photographer used all the darkness for it wouldn't be that noticeable. Also the lighting of the moon.